Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Two Part Ad

The is a rise of a new advertising trend in the markets. It has so far occurred to two advertising campaigns. One of Nescafe and the other of Amithab Bachchan’s new upcoming movie, Buddhua. What I am referring to is the advertisement being played in parts. On a whole this style has been a success as it generates an interesting and fun element in the advertisement.

This advertisement is based on having two advertisements. The first one may or not end with a too be continued line. The Nescafe ad leaves the audience in suspense of whether the lead male gets the actress Deepika Padkone. And we have a follow up of the ad where Karan Johar appears and the lead male takes him on over a cup of Nescafe. Both interesting ads.

Amithab Bachchan is an appearance of a shadow figure of him with the tag line The Angry Man is back. This creates a thrill at the same time a suspense towards the audience. The term Angry Man brings back memories for the audience of their favourite classical Bollywood movies. This ad follow the release of trailer of Amithab Bachachan's new movie Bbuddah-Hoga Terra Baap.

The future of this style of advertisement is only set to increase as it is popular with the public.

Corruption at Corporate Level

In India we curse at the corruption in our government. However there is a corruption that is unseen and slithers around like a snake and that is of corruption at the cooperate level. It is not uncommon in India to have a company to pay the government or give ‘incentives’ to the government.

The biggest and the best example is the Bhopal gas tragedy, where many people died, injured and genetics was restructured in that area. Union Carbide the company which was largely responsible had managed to get a safety certificate, and the results did not play up to that certificate. The CEO of Enron who should have been detained in India managed to get out with some questionable help from the Rajiv Gandhi government.

Also not spoken, but commonly known is of Reliance industries success in the early years and its dealings with the government.

However last year and this year it is all changing. The 2G scam and the Neera Radia’s case have been revolutionary in this aspect.

The 2G scam case has seen a number of industrial haunches in the cross-sights of the CBI for giving bribes to the former Telecom Minister and one can only hope that the truth will emerge.

The Nira Radia’s case has revealed a media-political and corporate nexus.

If the Company’s cannot see the trend, then let me say it.

The people are demanding more corporate social responsibility. They don’t want the company’s to be hand in glove with a corrupt government and officials.

Tata has become an image in this case and company’s such as Reliance and such others need to change their image.

The fight against corruption is only getting stronger as we recently seen Ana Anzare’s hunger strike against corruption.