Sunday, August 29, 2010


Almost a month has passed since the oil spill occurred at Mumbai. There authorities were caught off guard. Especially with no proper equipment the spill spread across the course. Thankfully the spill was not such a large amount so as to cause a major disaster. The authorities tackled the oil spill while the police took the members of the ships for questioning. Recently the government has asked MSS Chitra for an initial 3 cores for the damages.

However I am very much dissatisfied by the situation. In other incident Government inabilities to tackle the situation was testing due to the lack of equipment. If such an incident happens again in a much larger scale then the coast will be in real trouble. Also we seen the media has only covered the clean up drive-up drive by the authorities and some citizen groups, it has failed to follow up in the action on taken and fulfilling its duty as a watch dog and pulling up the government of the poor and incapable response on such an incident. The government is also going very soft on the culprit MSS Chitra. This oil spill has cost a lot and the government showed recovers the cost. This is another incident where the government is going soft on the corporate sector. The Government must exert more pressure on the company. This it self will send out a message to the cooperate world that any incident involving their unit will make they strongly liable.

However perhaps all of this has not happened because of the simple reason that public is not bothered. The Indian public is not very environment conscious, this can be attributed to the fact that many are still trying to get food and shelter. MSS Chitra can also be assured that its company will not get any damage in the corporate world because this is company that has to appeal to the corporate sector who are in need of its transport services.

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