With the number of mobile numbers increasing, it is safe to say that mobiles have penetrated through India. However with this increase there has been a decrease. The number of landlines has decreased. This spells bad business for MTNL and BSNL. However both these organization have moved from landlines connection to include mobile connection and internet connection.
While the initiative for mobile connections has not turned out very successful, the internet initiative turned out differently. MTNL as quoted by my friend is “internet ka baap”. MTNL probably has the fastest and most reliable internet connection in India. However for consumer to have an MTNL internet connection will require him/her to have a landline connection.
Many consumers in this present over connected age feel that the mobile connection is suffice compared to landline connection; they do not see the need for a landline connection.
However MTNL and BSNL are missing out on a major marketing strategy that is that in a natural disaster or crisis mobile connections are not so reliable either because their towers get knocked out or they get overloaded. Landlines have time and time again proven their strength against natural disasters or a crisis. If they are reminded of or made aware of that security of connectivity that landlines gives during natural disasters or crisis when the mobile connection is down. Proposing a security to a classical unsecure setting that could happen in the future will definitely get people’s attention.