Saturday, November 6, 2010



Nokia is handling the competition poorly in India. The market it has approached is saturated. It has spread from urban to rural areas. The one of the main reasons that is has been a success and a great appeal with the public because of its user friendliness, but once the public gets the understanding of using a mobile phone handling a Sony Errikson or a Mottorola will not be difficult.

It is dissappointing with the enviromental angle it is taking with the use of Sharuk Khan. India has a country still needs time to develop into a enviromental caring country. This ad may target mainly urban people, but then Nokia is forgetting the bigger picture. The bigger picture is that this ad is played on television which is now in almost every household in India or if not atleast everyone has acess and the majority of the people in are rural and such an advertisment will not appeal to them.

The competition against Nokia is very strong. Their number one stand is being attack from all sides. They desperately need a makeover. Whatever customers they have they need to make them brand loyal. 

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